waking up fr0m a nightmare...
early in the m0rning..
turning left n right...
n0 one ar0und..only me with my lappy,,open~~(f0rgot t0 shut d0wn)
trying t0 recall back the dream I've just had...
seeing my fren that I l0ve,,left me...
with0ut saying gudbye..
she went away...
bef0re I had a chance t0 tell her that I love her...
bef0re I can say I'm sorry...
like the time with my father bef0re..
0nce again,, I feel terribly l0nely...
n0 one will be there when I need them t0 be...
n0 one can lend me their ears...anym0re!!!
as u're da one that I lo0k f0r when i need a pers0n on my side...
even when I w0ke up...
i'm still al0ne...
wish u were here...
but i kn0w it's imp0ssible...
n0w that I realize...
maybe diz is a reminder f0r me..
ab0ut the value of friendship..
y0u neva kn0w h0w priceless it is...
untill y0u have br0ke it or loss it...
frenz,,neva leave me...
i need u...
(if u ever read diz)
(if u ever read diz)

p/s: Please Allah give me the strength to fight against my nafs and not give into it .... Ya Allah please guide me and my friends on to the right path..Please help them with any difficulties in life and always bless them....
Aminn ya rabb al amin...
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