aku bkn nk citer psl filem psych0 tu...
tp ni ape yg aku rase pr0blem aku skang nih...
kdg2 aku sndirik x phm nga prngai aku..
skjp2 n0rmal...
skjp2 mcm org xde akai p0n yer...
ntah la....
lately,,ase nk mrh je keje...
ade je yg x kena...
i can't c0ntr0l myself!!!
tringat kate2 se0rang kwn...
"ini bukan lil ni..
lil bkn camni...
lil da ilang.."
where's the 0ld LIL????
plizz,,,help me t0 find her back~~
p/s: i kn0w it's still in my b0dy..it just that,,,hidden by the dark side of me..
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